Information about Care.Data Pathfinders BwD CCG

Limefield Surgery is one of 23 GP practices in Blackburn with Darwen acting as ‘pathfinders’ for a programme to connect the information already collected from hospitals with information gathered at GP practices.  When all of this information is connected together it will provide, for the first time, a national picture of what is happening in our health and care services across the country and across a wide range of health conditions.  This will allow us to see what’s working really well in the NHS – and what we could be doing better.

From September,  patients of this practice will receive a letter and introductory leaflet sent direct to your home to explain more about this programme and pointing you to where you can find out more about the programme.  When you receive this letter, you will have six weeks to decide whether you want your health information to be used in this way.  If you are happy to share your information, you don’t need to do anything.  You are automatically ‘opted into’ the scheme.   If you are not, you (and your family) can opt out by completing the form that will accompany the letter and booklet. We will record your objection here at the practice and your information will not leave the practice as part of this programme.

If you would like to find out more about this programme now, please visit: or